Parking spheres stochastically to model realistic granular packings
Variation in Granular Frictional Resistance Across Nine Orders of Magnitude in Shear Velocity
Evident structural anisotropies arising from near-zero particle asphericity in granular spherocylinder packings
Precursory arch-like structures explain the clogging probability in a granular hopper flow
From creep to flow: Granular materials under cyclic shear
Origin of critical state in sheared granular materials
Velocity Profile Geometries and Granular Temperature Distributions in Very Dense Granular Flows
Influence of friction on the packing efficiency and short-to-intermediate range structure of hard-sphere systems
High time-resolved studies of stick-slip show similar dilatancy to fast and slow earthquakes
Long-term, real-time and label-free live cell image processing and analysis based on a combined algorithm of CellPose and watershed segmentation
Granular avalanche statistics in rotating drum with varied particle roughness
Effect of Amplitude and Duration of Cyclic Loading on Frictional Sliding Instability in Granular Media: Implication to Earthquake Triggering of Landslides
Equivalence of Fluctuation-Dissipation and Edwards’ Temperature in Cyclically Sheared Granular Systems
Pressure-induced first-order antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic transition in MnN
The intrinsic mobility of very dense grain flows
Connecting Packing Efficiency of Binary Hard Sphere Systems to Their Intermediate Range Structure
Collective dynamics of gastric cancer cells in fluid
Contact force measurements and local anisotropy in ellipses and disks
Disorder-induced vibrational anomalies from crystalline to amorphous solids
Universality of jammed frictional packing
Experimental test of the Edwards volume ensemble for tapped granular packings
Microscopic structure and dynamics study of granular segregation mechanism by cyclic shear
Level statistics and Anderson delocalization in two-dimensional granular materials
X-Ray Tomography Investigation of Cyclically Sheared Granular Materials
Friction-Controlled Entropy-Stability Competition in Granular Systems
Connecting shear localization with the long-range correlated polarized stress fields in granular materials
Improved PTV measurement based on Voronoi matching used in hopper flow
Random packing of rods in small containers
Energy Fluctuations in Slowly Sheared Granular Materials
Disentangling boson peaks and Van Hove singularities in glasses
New reconstruction method for few-view grating-based phase-contrast imaging via dictionary learning
Translational and rotational dynamical heterogeneities in granular systems
Structural and Topological Nature of Plasticity in Sheared Granular Materials
Quantitative study of the influence of swimming therapy on osteoporosis rat models based on synchrotron radiation computed tomogaphy
Rapid Construction of Fe-Co-Ni Composition-Phase Map by Combinatorial Materials Chip Approach
Experimental studies of vibrational modes in a two dimensional amorphous solid
Granular materials flow like complex fluids
Dynamical Transition of Collective Motions in Dry Proteins
Origin of noncubic scaling law in disordered granular packing
Medical CT Application in the Study of 3D Random Packing of Ellipsoids
Grating-based phase-contrast imaging of tumor angiogenesis in lung metastasis
In-line phase-contrast and grating-based phase contrast synchrotron imaging study of brain micrometastasis of breast cancer
The structural origin of the hard-sphere glass transition in granular packing
Graphic processing unit based phase retrieval and CT reconstruction for differential X-ray phase contrast imaging
Grating-based X-ray phase contrast imaging of tumor angiogenesis in athymic BALB/c mice
Force-chain distributions in granular systems.
Fast synchrotron X-ray tomography study of the packing structures of rods with different aspect ratios
Angularly anisotropic correlation in granular packings.
A dynamic synchrotron X-ray imaging study of effective temperature in a vibrated granular medium
X-ray tomography study of the random packing structure of ellipsoids
Similarity of wet granular packing to gels.
Bridges in three-dimensional granular packings: Experiments and simulations
X-ray microtomography study of compaction process of rods under tapping
X-ray grating interferometer for biological imaging applications at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Microbubbles as contrast agent for in-line x-ray phase-contrast imaging
Measurement of Biodiesel Blend and Conventional Diesel Spray Structure Using X-Ray Radiography
Four dimensional visualization of highly transient fuel sprays by microsecond quantitative x-ray tomography
X-Ray Radiography Measurements of Diesel Spray Structure at Engine-Like Ambient Density
Study of Diesel Jet Variability Using Single-Shot X-Ray Radiography
Ultrafast X-ray study of dense-liquid-jet flow dynamics using structure-tracking velocimetry
Similarity between the Primary and Secondary Air-Assisted Liquid Jet Breakup Mechanisms
Ultrafast X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging of the Initial Coalescence Phase of Two Water Droplets
Nozzle geometry and injection duration effects on diesel sprays measured by x-ray radiography
Particle tracking velocimetry using fast x-ray phase-contrast imaging
A Sagittally Focusing Double-Multilayer Monochromator for Ultrafast X-ray Imaging Applications
Quantitative x-ray phase-contrast imaging of air-assisted water sprays with high Weber numbers
X-ray scattering and magnetic susceptibility study of doped CuGeO3
X-ray scattering study of the incommensurate phase in Mg-doped CuGeO3
X-ray scattering study of two length scales in the critical fluctuations of CuGeO3
Temperature versus concentration phase diagram of Mg- and Si- doped CuGeO3
Reentrant spin-Peierls transition in Mg-Doped CuGeO3
First-order phase transition between dimerized antiferromagnetic and uniform-antiferromagnetic phases in Cu1-xMxGeO3
Tricritical to mean-field crossover at the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO3
Structural Critical Scattering Study of Mg-Doped CuGeO3
X-ray-induced structural transition in La0.875Sr0.125MnO3